Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Reality

Birthdays always remind me
of all the times that I hew a huge discrepancy between
imagination and reality
events that are supposed to change you
rarely do

alright I have to clarify that this is talking about birthdays, graduations, events that are socially implied and represent a transformation that in fact takes place over a great deal of time but is expected to be condensed into a specific celebratory day. Some events do change a person, typically these are traumatic, and while that is also important it is not actually what I am talking about at the moment.
but i digress, to an extent

and what is expected
was in fact already achieved in the expectations and the decisions
on a birthday
one does not feel different than the day before, for every day age increases equally, but instead they feel older and far different than the year before or five, ten years ago, I do not feel older from two days ago but I do feel older than a year or even a few months ago.
metamorphosis is a process

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I used to write in my journal all the time
it is full of secrets
but now
all but the darkest are lit
it is funny
it is lovely
such a comprehensive support system
it is somthing that
I never anticipated having
and I love you for it

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the silence

the silence
it roars
scaring the words back into my throat
the silence
it stabs
don't you know it is a knife?
the silence
it is not
because it does not know how to be

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


religion is what happened when humans looked into forever and said "i want that"
forever is the unattainable
when I look at forever
when I want forever
it seems ridiculous that I
a mortal, so simple an young
could even consider
could even approach, imagine
as if my speaking the word, thinking it
did tarnish the meaning
the depth

Monday, April 18, 2011

Velociraptor Awareness Day

today i would like to bring your attention to a grave problem facing our country
every year people in our country, around the world, live in fear of velociraptor attack
more information, as well as helpful tips, pictures, and vides about raising awareness and protecting yourself from velociraptor attackcan be found here:
stay safe!

Friday, April 15, 2011

It's Just a Fantsy

a flight of fancy
and yet
it is more real than reality
and hundreds of times more honest

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The problem with vampires

today I was thinking about kidneys
yup, bio
and then about vampires
be very afraid of that train of thought
the problem with vampires is digestion
I mean, how do they digest blood?
this is not even really a hypothetical question
because of vampire bats
but I tried to think of
the best way
to digest blood
like, would a giant kidney work in the place of a gastrointestinal tract?
just filtering out the forign blood and integrating it into their syestem
this seems unlikley
do they just digest it like we digest food?
I know the answer
tank you, vampire bats
yes you

It turns out that it is very difficult to make a living
drinking blood
vampire bats can drink about half of their body mass in blood
they then almost immediately urinate most of the blood plasma
but still have trouble taking off with the sheer extra mass of blood cells

this system would possibly prove a tad embarrassing for most fabled vampires
problems added because vampire bats have to feed basically every night to keep from starving

ok then, it is unlikely that vampires, being human-sized and not? flying all that much, would have the same problems
but still one has to wonder how they are metabolizing this blood, full of foreign antibodies and DNA

know what? vampires do not make any sense
they suck >.>
but really, it is a terrible idea
do they breathe? apparently "Edward" does not, but does not feed nearly often enough to maintain blood oxygen levels
where do they get off?

Monday, April 11, 2011

What If

for every decision
there is a what if
the opposite conclusion
lingering long after
and the question is
whether the universe of what if
festering in your mind
exists only there

Friday, April 8, 2011


insecurities are emotionally restrictive
they can make a person seem neurotic or just
completeley nuts
but everyone
has at least one insecurity
the difference
is whether yours has been exploited recently

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blissing Out

Today was a good day
there is a lot going on
a lot of stress
a good deal of work and uncertainty
but regardless
I was blissing out
of course, not the entire day
but once or twice, sitting in class or in the dining hall
I think back about the good things
and the world gets all warm and fuzzy
and negatives just wash away
as if by a flood of warmth
or else burned away by the sun
which is impressive
because it rained today

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Inspiration comes
when it is most unhelpful
when you are busy
when you are desperately trying to sleep
inspiration comes
from trial
from people
from beauty
from competition
Inspiration is

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Little Things

I used to live in a place
where the little things meant a lot
peace enclosed in a bubble, surrounded by chaos
the thinnest of membranes
rent open often, and each time growing back weaker
smaller and smaller events tearing it
the insignificant things
the needle so close to the translucent skin
it's the little things
when you live in a place
where the little things mean a lot
you never leave it

confrontation is hard
when the little things mean a lot
arguments leave bigger scars
when the little things mean a lot
friends are gone in the blink of an eye
when the little things mean a lot
breaking down comes easily and quickly
when the little things mean a lot

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's like a metaphor

You hear it all the time
the seasons, an apple, a swing
metaphors for life
I have a postulation
is a metaphor for life
and I plan to prove it
or at least support it with evidence
and you are going to help!
think you have an exception?
comment it
and I will post with a way that it is a metaphor for life
or admit defeat!